As travelers ourselves, we understand the duty that comes with exploring a new place. The locals deserve a secure existence, and that includes the children who live there. But with time comes wisdom, and there are moments when finding out what’s best for the kids takes some forethought.

So how should you keep the children of Siem Reap safe during your adventures? With the city’s child safe policy for travelers, you’ll have all the guidance you need to do what’s best for the little ones of Cambodia.

Don’t Gawk at Children

Don’t stare at or take photographs of kids. If you’re with someone who views local children as a tourist attraction, correct them. These are real people, however young. They don’t deserve to wind up on the internet just because you think it makes for an interesting photo. If you’ve been offered the chance to tour an orphanage or school, turn it down—believe it or not, these are not zoo animals, but real kids learning and growing each day!

If a Child Needs Help, Contact a Professional

When traveling, there may be times when you encounter situations that just make you uncomfortable. If you see a child who’s truly in need, please reach out to the local authorities or child services of Siem Reap.

Think Twice Before Giving Money to Begging Kids

Kids who beg often wind up victim to the constraints of poverty into their adult years. By giving money to these children, you’re enabling an action that will actually prevent their success down the line. Instead of going to school or working, they’ll beg for money. So do your part by donating your money to charities that focus on child welfare at the source.

Report Child Sex Tourism

If you witness child sex tourism occurring, report it immediately. You can do so by calling the police or reaching out to a local NGO like Action pour les Enfants (APLE), which focuses solely on battling child sex tourism in Cambodia.

Report Child Labor, Too

Kids deserve the chance to learn in school. However, when money becomes an issue in the household, they often feel like they have to work in order to provide for themselves and their family. Thanks to governmental organizations, there are other ways around their financial issues. So if you see a child working when they shouldn’t be, report it. They’ll be far better off for it in the end.

Directing Your Passion for Change, the Right Way

At Anjali by Syphon Hotel, we crave nothing more than to make a difference in the world. So when we say we fully resonate with your dogma, we mean it. Taking care of Siem Reap’s population of children and youth is so important. However, doing it in an appropriate and effective way is critical. Follow Siem Reap’s child safe policy for travelers and you’ll have all the gear you need to make the difference that Cambodia deserves.