Don’t miss out on the blessing of a lifetime, right here at Anjali by Syphon

We believe in the power of a well-rounded life. For us, this includes keeping our environmental impact to a minimum, doing right by the people around us and taking the blessings as they come. Often, we take the whole blessing thing literally – with monk blessing sessions.

Whether you’re a guest or a valued member of our staff, local monks in Siem Reap are here for you. How do you know? By way of their biweekly trips to Anjali Hotel, of course.

Meet the Monks Every Week at Anjali

Every Monday at Anjali, local monks come to the hotel to offer their blessings. They graciously and humbly provide their services for staff members, Siem Reap locals and traveling guests. Whether or not you’re familiar with Buddhist practices, you have the capacity to find beauty and meaning in a monk blessing all your own.

In order to receive your blessing, all you have to do is make your way to Anjali by Syphon, which is conveniently located on the outskirts of Siem Reap’s downtown.

Why Should You Receive a Monk Blessing?

Even if you’re not Buddhist, this is one of the most welcoming religions in the world. Taking the opportunity to be blessed by a Buddhist monk means opening your heart to peace and prosperity. In Cambodia, we believe in karma and the afterlife, and a monk blessing helps to achieve this.

Monk blessings include prayer, chanting, holy water and maybe even some candles and incense. The monks are dressed in majestic saffron-colored robes with shaved heads. They carry an aura of understanding as they perform ancient rituals rooted in culture.

By receiving a monk blessing, have nothing to lose, and you may just have more to gain than you realize.

Tips for Interacting with Monks

Monks are religious figures. If you’re not familiar with Buddhism, you’ll want to become keen on some tips for interacting with them.

  • Avoid touching monks. If there are any Buddhist statues around, avoid touching them as well. (If you’re a man and must hand something to a monk, be sure to do so with your right hand.)
  • When you’re in a temple or during a ceremony, remove your hat and shoes.
  • Don’t point with your fingers or your feet. It’s considered rude!
  • When a monk enters the area, stand up until they’ve completed their prostrations.
  • Women, be extra careful. You shouldn’t sit beside a monk, hand them something, brush against them or touch them.

When You’re Done, Visit Pagodas Downtown

As an Anjali guest, you receive complimentary tuk-tuk rides downtown for the extent of your stay. This means you have a free ride to popular local pagodas, including favorites like Wat Damnak, Wat Preah Prom Rath and Wat Bo.

Every one of these temples is a beautiful sight and unique in their own way. Visiting them gives you the chance to revel in their aesthetic splendor and religious meaning. At the end of the day, no Cambodian holiday is complete without a little divulgence into Buddhist religion.

A Miraculous Holiday in More Ways Than One

From monk blessings to streetside encounters, your Siem Reap excursions are bound to bring novelty to your life. Whatever your itinerary holds, we hope you leave room for the unexpected, monk blessings included.

Become an Anjali guest during your next Cambodian vacation and we’ll do our very best to make you feel blessed, with or without the help of a few humble monks.